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Best Romantic Red Colors

Red lips

Lipstick Red

Lipstick Red color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The hex code for Lipstick Red color is #B31B38. The equivalent RGB is (179, 27, 56) and approximate the CMYK values are (0, 85, 69, 30). For color codes of other systems like Pantone®, RAL and closest web safe value, visit the Lipstick Red page through which you can also download wallpapers, palettes and patterns.


Temptation color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

Temptation color hex code is #B82650 with equivalent RGB (184, 38, 80). The approximate CMYK values are (0, 79, 57, 28). Get closest web safe, Pantone® and RAL values along with codes of other color systems from the Temptation page along with downloads of patterns, wallpapers and palettes.

Naughty Red

Naughty Red color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The hex code for Naughty Red color is #C91E0B. The equivalent RGB is (201, 30, 11) and approximate the CMYK values are (0, 85, 95, 21). For color codes of other systems like Pantone®, RAL and closest web safe value, visit the Naughty Red page through which you can also download wallpapers, palettes and patterns.

Hot Red

Hot Red color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

Hot Red is a lovely color with hex code #B7121F and equivalent RGB (183, 18, 31). The approximate CMYK values to be used for printing are (0, 90, 83, 28). For Pantone®, RAL and other color systems, refer the Hot Red color page which also has patterns, wallpapers and palettes for download.

Red Beauty

Red Beauty color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

Red Beauty is a lovely color with hex code #CE3226 and equivalent RGB (206, 50, 38). The approximate CMYK values to be used for printing are (0, 76, 82, 19). For Pantone®, RAL and other color systems, refer the Red Beauty color page which also has patterns, wallpapers and palettes for download.

Candy Apple Red

Candy Apple Red color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

Candy Apple Red color hex code is #F7330E with equivalent RGB (247, 51, 14). The approximate CMYK values are (0, 79, 94, 3). Get closest web safe, Pantone® and RAL values along with codes of other color systems from the Candy Apple Red page along with downloads of patterns, wallpapers and palettes.

Rouge Red

Rouge Red color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The beautiful Rouge Red color has the hex code #E24666 with equivalent RGB (226, 70, 102) and approximate CMYK values of (0, 69, 55, 11). To get color codes of other systems including Pantone® and RAL, visit the color page which also has Rouge Red patterns wallpapers and palettes for free download.

Red Hot

Red Hot color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The beautiful Red Hot color has the hex code #EA0D01 with equivalent RGB (234, 13, 1) and approximate CMYK values of (0, 94, 100, 8). To get color codes of other systems including Pantone® and RAL, visit the color page which also has Red Hot patterns wallpapers and palettes for free download.

Candy Red

Candy Red color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The hex code for Candy Red color is #C61F2B. The equivalent RGB is (198, 31, 43) and approximate the CMYK values are (0, 84, 78, 22). For color codes of other systems like Pantone®, RAL and closest web safe value, visit the Candy Red page through which you can also download wallpapers, palettes and patterns.

Cherry Red

Cherry Red color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The hex code for Cherry Red color is #CC252C. The equivalent RGB is (204, 37, 44) and approximate the CMYK values are (0, 82, 78, 20). For color codes of other systems like Pantone®, RAL and closest web safe value, visit the Cherry Red page through which you can also download wallpapers, palettes and patterns.

Red Glitter

Red Glitter color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The beautiful Red Glitter color has the hex code #F15461 with equivalent RGB (241, 84, 97) and approximate CMYK values of (0, 65, 60, 6). To get color codes of other systems including Pantone® and RAL, visit the color page which also has Red Glitter patterns wallpapers and palettes for free download.

Pretty Red

Pretty Red color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The hex code for Pretty Red color is #F4444E. The equivalent RGB is (244, 68, 78) and approximate the CMYK values are (0, 72, 68, 4). For color codes of other systems like Pantone®, RAL and closest web safe value, visit the Pretty Red page through which you can also download wallpapers, palettes and patterns.

Grape Red

Grape Red color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The beautiful Grape Red color has the hex code #A72F48 with equivalent RGB (167, 47, 72) and approximate CMYK values of (0, 72, 57, 35). To get color codes of other systems including Pantone® and RAL, visit the color page which also has Grape Red patterns wallpapers and palettes for free download.

Henna Red

Henna Red color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The beautiful Henna Red color has the hex code #9D3D27 with equivalent RGB (157, 61, 39) and approximate CMYK values of (0, 61, 75, 38). To get color codes of other systems including Pantone® and RAL, visit the color page which also has Henna Red patterns wallpapers and palettes for free download.

Midnight Red

Midnight Red color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

Midnight Red color hex code is #AD1017 with equivalent RGB (173, 16, 23). The approximate CMYK values are (0, 91, 87, 32). Get closest web safe, Pantone® and RAL values along with codes of other color systems from the Midnight Red page along with downloads of patterns, wallpapers and palettes.