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Seven Deadly Sins Colors

Seven Number


Lust color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The hex code for Lust color is #E62020. The equivalent RGB is (230, 32, 32) and approximate the CMYK values are (0, 86, 86, 10). For color codes of other systems like Pantone®, RAL and closest web safe value, visit the Lust page through which you can also download wallpapers, palettes and patterns.



Gluttony color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

Gluttony is a lovely color with hex code #B35D24 and equivalent RGB (179, 93, 36). The approximate CMYK values to be used for printing are (0, 48, 80, 30). For Pantone®, RAL and other color systems, refer the Gluttony color page which also has patterns, wallpapers and palettes for download.

Hungry Man eating food


Greed color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The beautiful Greed color has the hex code #C4981B with equivalent RGB (196, 152, 27) and approximate CMYK values of (0, 23, 86, 23). To get color codes of other systems including Pantone® and RAL, visit the color page which also has Greed patterns wallpapers and palettes for free download.

Person holding money


Sloth color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The hex code for Sloth color is #474F4E. The equivalent RGB is (71, 79, 78) and approximate the CMYK values are (10, 0, 1, 69). For color codes of other systems like Pantone®, RAL and closest web safe value, visit the Sloth page through which you can also download wallpapers, palettes and patterns.

Lazy person sleeping on a treen


Wrath color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The beautiful Wrath color has the hex code #800F08 with equivalent RGB (128, 15, 8) and approximate CMYK values of (0, 88, 94, 50). To get color codes of other systems including Pantone® and RAL, visit the color page which also has Wrath patterns wallpapers and palettes for free download.

Irritated and Angry Person


Envy color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

The beautiful Envy color has the hex code #3F870E with equivalent RGB (63, 135, 14) and approximate CMYK values of (53, 0, 90, 47). To get color codes of other systems including Pantone® and RAL, visit the color page which also has Envy patterns wallpapers and palettes for free download.

Jealousy Girls


Pride color image with HEX, RGB and CMYK codes

Pride is a lovely color with hex code #672A70 and equivalent RGB (103, 42, 112). The approximate CMYK values to be used for printing are (8, 63, 0, 56). For Pantone®, RAL and other color systems, refer the Pride color page which also has patterns, wallpapers and palettes for download.

Queen feeling proud